Donate Stocks or Securities

Donors interested in donating stock to NOVA must provide their current financial institution with the following information:

Receiving Account #: 946850560

Receiving Account Name: Network of Victim Assistance – Penelope Ettinger

TD Ameritrade’s DTC Number: 0188

Please instruct your broker to enter your name, as well as any other contact information that will help to identify your gift, into the comment field.

Your donated stocks will be sold immediately (through NOVA’s broker at TD Ameritrade) for their market value at the time you transfer them to us. NOVA does not hold stocks.

We ask that you kindly notify NOVA of any gift of stocks or securities in advance by contacting Michelle Cash, Director of Development at 215-343-6543 ext. 6602 or by e-mail at It is important that you notify NOVA so that your gift can be properly acknowledged. Any other questions regarding donations of stocks or securities can be directed to the Univest Foundation at 1-877-723-5571.