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Keystone Crisis Intervention Team

KCIT is a state-wide resource offered through NOVA, developed to assist individuals and communities as they process and heal from serious crimes.

Mission Statement

Keystone Crisis Intervention Team (KCIT) supports crime victims and communities throughout Pennsylvania in their recovery from traumatic events.

Vision Statement

All communities throughout Pennsylvania will have access to timely, competent and caring support from appropriately trained KCIT volunteers following a traumatic event.

Our Core Values:

  • Compassion
  • Quality
  • Responsiveness
  • Collaboration
  • Volunteerism

When will the Team Respond?

Upon request, KCIT provides teams of trained volunteers to serve any community within the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania where a crime has taken place. Examples of such crime would be: a criminal crisis where a community is thrust into grief; crimes affecting children, such as school shootings; or multiple deaths from any criminal activity.

How is the Team Requested?

KCIT can be accessed 24-hours a day through NOVA by calling 1-855-SOS-KCIT. A request or invitation should come from someone at the site of the criminal incident who can provide assistance with bringing in the KCIT team. Generally, team members can respond within 72-hours to several weeks after the incident.

What Services Will the Team Provide?

KCIT can provide technical assistance for local decision makers to identify the groups at risk of experiencing trauma. KCIT volunteers will lead one or more group crisis intervention sessions and provide coping skills to help victims begin to talk about their reactions to the trauma. In addition, KCIT will coordinate with other crisis response teams in order to ensure comprehensive, community-wide services and avoid duplication of services. KCIT can also provide crisis reaction and vicarious trauma training to local professionals who have been working with victims and their families.

What is the Cost of the Team's Crisis Intervention and Deployment Services?

There is no fee for KCIT crisis response services. Support for this program is provided by Pennsylvania Commission on Crime and Delinquency (PCCD). KCIT does accept donations to help defray the cost of volunteers’ out of pocket expenses. To make a donation, use NOVA’s Donation form and designate your gift to KCIT.

What is a Community Crisis?

Whole communities, like individuals, may suffer crisis reactions in the aftermath of a criminal incident. The community may suffer from an effect similar to paralysis. While almost everyone is in shock, individual reactions may vary. These reactions may cause a person to think they are ‘going crazy’ or are ‘silly for feeling this way.’ KCIT helps communities ‘get back on their feet’ after serious criminal incidents.

Interested in becoming a volunteer for the team?

See for more information or email

To Request KCIT Deployment & Crisis Intervention Services, contact:
KCIT’s Toll Free 24/7 Hotline

For additional information about KCIT, trainings and membership, please contact:
the KCIT Coordinator at 215-343-6543 or by email at