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BuxMont Unitarian Universalist Fellowship

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  3. BuxMont Unitarian Universalist Fellowship
Events at this venue

Smarter Parents, Safer Kids – BuxMont Unitarian Universalist Fellowship

BuxMont Unitarian Universalist Fellowship 2040 Street Road, Warrington, PA, United States

This interactive workshop helps parents learn about healthy sexual development, how to talk to their kids about sexual abuse, and how to keep them safe. The Smart Parents program helps adult caregivers tackle tough conversations with their children, along with empowerment and support.


Human Trafficking Awareness Event

BuxMont Unitarian Universalist Fellowship 2040 Street Road, Warrington, PA, United States

Recent portrayals and depictions of the global issue human trafficking has sparked discussion across the country.  Eliminating human trafficking is a challenge that requires support from all corners of the world, however human trafficking is much closer to home than you may think, and can look different from how it is portrayed in popular media. […]
